Friday 25 March 2016

whats'app add new futures in new version enjoyed very much

WhatsApps is one of the best mobile App so for the Chat and videos Audio calls it is a complete package of Messenger which includes everything WhatsApp owned by Facebook Inc , usually we get instructions about any additions or changes or any new updates to the app. But in some situations we cannot just identify when they were executed.
Below is the some new additions that WhatsApp made you may not know that you have already observed.

Share Links History Tab,

Every conversation in whatsApp you will find the Media screen that sums all the sent and received images and videos. It where can easy browse all videos you have shared with your friends in group.

Each link has a rich preview top part and low part with the massage it was actually sent in, while topping the bottom takes you to the message so you can start, share, delete or view the framework in which it was shared it is a good way to quick look you have sent and received,

Easy Link Coping.

One of the biggest frustrating thing in the past version of the whatsApp that you cannot copy a URL by topping and holding it, you had to top and hold the entire message it was sent in. But now in new version of WhatsApp you can able to copy any link or you’ve got an option on a click to click and view on browser.

 History clearing and conversation deleting.

Everyone knows the easiest method to clear messages from anywhere just select all and Delete the whole chat but it seems that most users like to going to the overflow menu in a chat and then tapping more >clear chat to remove all messages but keep the chat in their history,

Last version if you delete messages that’s mean you are deleted them permanently but now WhatsApp has a future where if you will delete all conversation still you can keep all chat in history that is very nice option which is like more. 


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